
Style your DITA maps and topics with Twitter Bootstrap CSS

View the Project on GitHub jornh/dita-bootstrapped


Style your DITA maps and topics with Twitter Bootstrap for a modern responsive page layout

An opinionated ongoing experiment on how to avoid building DITA franken-books by not just accepting the default output format often seen of one output page per DITA input topic and letting the poor reader assemble the puzzle by navigating a massive Table of Contents.


Built incrementally one user story at a time:

How to build your own

  1. Clone or download dita-bootstrapped
  2. Install ditac which requires Java on your machine
  3. Run ditac -t xhtml.xsl comparing-baselines.html comparing-baselines.dita to build the HelloWorld example
  4. Admire comparing-baselines.html with your browser - which is the result you just built